Welcome to Project PROGRESS
Providing Recovery Opportunities for Growth, Education and Sustainable Success
Our Services
Empower recovery through employment—help a person in recovery be a successful employee and create a recovery-friendly workplace.
Looking for a recovery-friendly workplace? Find employers who support hiring people in recovery, and learn job-hunting tips.
Our Mission:
Project PROGRESS advocates for people in recovery by promoting an enlightened business community where they can find meaningful, family-sustaining employment. The program encourages employers to expand opportunities for people in recovery while striving to change the broader climate to reduce the unfair stigma associated with substance use disorders, fostering greater compassion, and enhancing our communities.
Success Stories
‘I don’t want to do any of this anymore’
Matt Evans shares his journey from addiction to living a life in recovery Matt Evans’ parent’s...
Scranton man’s road to recovery leads to being the father he always wanted to be
Edward Hunt's addiction to alcohol began in his mid-20s, a few years after his marriage at the age...
Olyphant resident and deejay makes recovery his business
Earning money came easily for Jason McConnell from the time he was a teen, pulling in hundreds of...